Sunday 29 January 2017

Best Eyebrow Shaping Products Every Girl Needs To Have

Best Eyebrow Shaping Products

 To create perfect brows, it’s essential to start with the right tools for the job. Choose only the best shaping products and you’ll find that half the hard work is done for you.

1.Eyebrow Pencil 

Choosing a good, quality eyebrow pencil over a cheap one can mean full, natural looking brows instead of dark, messy blobs above your eyes.

Opt for reputable makeup brands for tested formulas which will yield positive results. Choose a pencil that sits in between powdery and waxy and that features a fine tip. This combination will ensure clean and natural looking brows that stay in place. Find the right colour for your brows by choosing a pencil that is a couple shades lighter than your exact hair match.


 your eyebrows may feel like an arduous process, but it provides you with a precision that threading and waxing can’t. So if you want perfectly shaped brows, you better get friendly with your tweezers. By investing in high quality, durable, tweezers, you’ll find that grooming becomes much easier. Choose a pair with clean edges and a slanted tip to make narrowing in on stray hairs simple.


  While many of today’s best brow pencils come with a spoolie attached, it’s still a good idea to have separate quality spoolies on hand. These small brushes are the key to achieving natural looking brows. While pencil will add the colour and extra volume you desire, it’s the spoolie that will make your brows appear like 100% natural hair. By brushing through the product and creating texture, a spoolie will put the finishing touch on your perfect brows.

4. Wax and Pomade

 For unruly brows, simple tweezering and pencilling may not be enough to create your desired brow shape. Tame and shape wild brows with the help of an eyebrow wax or pomade. The creamy formula makes an excellent base for makeup, leaving you with well groomed, natural-looking brows. Choose between pigmented and clear waxes to best suit your needs. To apply pot-based varieties, use an angled brush to outline and fill-in brows before brushing with a spoolie.

 5. Powder

 If you’re new to filling in your brows, you may find pencils a bit hard to navigate. Pencils can be perfect for drawing in individual hairs, but if you’re inexperienced, you may end up overdoing it. In this case, a powder is your safe alternative. Easy to use, layer and wipe off if necessary, powder provides all over brow coverage that will gently fill any gaps. To avoid unnatural looking brows, look for duo powder kits that you can blend and always brush with a spoolie afterwards.

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