Sunday 29 January 2017

5 Diet secrets for a flat belly

1. Eat fibre rich foods:

 Not having enough fiber in your diet can cause bloating and make your stomach look bigger. So a good way is to ensure you include both soluble and insoluble fibres into your meals. Foods like orange, mushrooms, raspberries, broccoli and cabbage are all great sources if healthy fibre.

2. Have foods which are potassium-rich:

 As sodium makes body retain water, potassium helps it to get rid of excess water. Eating potassium-rich foods like bananas and sweet potatoes can help minimise your bulging belly. But make sure to exercise right as these foods can be fattening too.

3. Stay hydrated: 

 Drinking enough water ensures that fibre does its job. Not drinking enough water can also increase your sodium and potassium levels.

4.Avoid sugary and processed foods:

 Stay away from foods that are difficult to digest like sugary or fatty foods. Focus instead on simple meals which are made with whole foods and steamed vegetables to heal the digestive system. Here are some foods that are difficult to digest.

5. Ditch artificial sweeteners:

 Found in flavoured water, diet, low-carbs and sugar-free foods, artificial sweeteners aren’t completely digested by body. Bacteria in the large intestine tend to ferment them, causing gas and bloating. Always check food labels to avoid sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and lacitol. Here are some more facts about artificial sweetners.

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