Sunday 29 January 2017

Best Dressed Celebrities At The SAG Awards 2017

The Screen Actors Guild Award (also known as the SAG Award) is an accolade given to recognize outstanding performances in film and primetime television . Some stars made some major fashion statements with their fashion choices and it was all fierce as the celebrities stepped out bringing all kinds of sexy to the awards.

Check out the stylish girls and guys we cant stop thinking about who were the best dressed in the SAG awards;
octavia spenser

Amy Adams

brad goreski

caleb mcglaigen

christy teigen & john legend

claire foy

taraji p henson

emma stone

christy tigen & John legend

kristen dunts


michile husman

natalie potman

sarah paulson

thandie newton

zuri hall

10 Quick Fashion Tips Every Man Should Know

1.Keep it simple

 You want a wardrobe that looks great on you, but don’t overdo it. Don’t wear more than three pieces of jewelry or more than three colors. Don’t dress like a rock star unless you’re in a band. If you want to be flashy, a simpler but stylish look would be sporting a black striped dress shirt with a white blazer, a dark pair of jeans, a dressy belt, and your sharpest dress shoes.
 You could also add a flashy watch or a simple accessory like an interesting necklace, but nothing more. .

 2.Change the way you see casual

 casual doesn’t have to be boring. Have fun with collared shirts, or take some inspiration from those who approach casual a bit differently.

3. Invest in a superb pair of shoes

 If it’s one thing that women will notice, it’s your shoes. Especially how clean and sharp they look. It’s easy to wash and press the rest of your clothes to keep them looking new, but most guys disregard their shoes. Show that you’re a man of taste by getting a great pair of shoes and keeping them in pristine condition.

 4. Fashion Tees with logos

When you’re going around with a big logo on your shirt, you risk looking like a walking billboard. Lose the lame Coca-Cola shirt and go for a classic v-neck tee or something artsy.

 5. Disregard trends

Beware of buying something just because it’s “in” right now – stick to what you truly like. A lot of people rush to get in on the latest trend and end up with a bunch of clothes they don’t wear. It’s better to learn to build a versatile and timeless wardrobe first – then bring in your own twists with some of the new fashion. This one tip will save you so much money!!

 6. Don’t be a sucker for brand names

Don’t be a Tom Ford Before you decide to purchase an item, ask yourself if you are buying it simply because of the brand name or because you love the quality and style. Ask yourself, “Would I buy this if there was no logo on it?”

7.Upgrade your shave

Even if your fashion is golden, an unkempt beard can be an attraction killer. Achieve a perfect shave by trying a shave brush & old-fashioned double-edged razor.

8.Experiment with style

The only way you’ll really learn, is if you go out there and try new things. I make an effort to try something completely out of my comfort zone whenever I’m at a store – many times you’ll end up loving something you never thought you would. If you make mistakes, life goes on. So many guys are afraid to express themselves through their style, don’t be one of them.

9.Fit is King

The most dramatic improvement you can make in your style is to make sure everything fits impeccably. Most guys wear clothes that are too large. Make sure everything you wear is almost hugging the shape of your body – without being tight. Bad fit is an epidemic. We call it “Bad Fit Disease”…

10. Never go shopping alone

 Most of the time, it’s tough to trust the sales people because they usually work for commission. Shop with a friend who will give you their honest opinion.

Best Eyebrow Shaping Products Every Girl Needs To Have

Best Eyebrow Shaping Products

 To create perfect brows, it’s essential to start with the right tools for the job. Choose only the best shaping products and you’ll find that half the hard work is done for you.

1.Eyebrow Pencil 

Choosing a good, quality eyebrow pencil over a cheap one can mean full, natural looking brows instead of dark, messy blobs above your eyes.

Opt for reputable makeup brands for tested formulas which will yield positive results. Choose a pencil that sits in between powdery and waxy and that features a fine tip. This combination will ensure clean and natural looking brows that stay in place. Find the right colour for your brows by choosing a pencil that is a couple shades lighter than your exact hair match.


 your eyebrows may feel like an arduous process, but it provides you with a precision that threading and waxing can’t. So if you want perfectly shaped brows, you better get friendly with your tweezers. By investing in high quality, durable, tweezers, you’ll find that grooming becomes much easier. Choose a pair with clean edges and a slanted tip to make narrowing in on stray hairs simple.


  While many of today’s best brow pencils come with a spoolie attached, it’s still a good idea to have separate quality spoolies on hand. These small brushes are the key to achieving natural looking brows. While pencil will add the colour and extra volume you desire, it’s the spoolie that will make your brows appear like 100% natural hair. By brushing through the product and creating texture, a spoolie will put the finishing touch on your perfect brows.

4. Wax and Pomade

 For unruly brows, simple tweezering and pencilling may not be enough to create your desired brow shape. Tame and shape wild brows with the help of an eyebrow wax or pomade. The creamy formula makes an excellent base for makeup, leaving you with well groomed, natural-looking brows. Choose between pigmented and clear waxes to best suit your needs. To apply pot-based varieties, use an angled brush to outline and fill-in brows before brushing with a spoolie.

 5. Powder

 If you’re new to filling in your brows, you may find pencils a bit hard to navigate. Pencils can be perfect for drawing in individual hairs, but if you’re inexperienced, you may end up overdoing it. In this case, a powder is your safe alternative. Easy to use, layer and wipe off if necessary, powder provides all over brow coverage that will gently fill any gaps. To avoid unnatural looking brows, look for duo powder kits that you can blend and always brush with a spoolie afterwards.

Stock up on Midi and Knuckle rings; Why every lady needs midi rings.

I'm sure many of you have seen the trend in midi rings lately.Midi rings are the ultimate fashion forward update for your jewelry box.They sit half way down the finger with assorted band detail.Quite sometime back people wore one or two rings on each hands and some only their wedding rings.

This midi rings sit right in the middle of the finger and one can wear close to 15 rings in all their fingers and they come to look so pretty though it seems alittle bit too difficult to carry these pretty little things all together though i will show you guys how to stack this cute rings and not look ridiculous but rather look pretty.Most girls dont seem to get the right ring size because they think their fingers are too small.

 Midi rings were created and they just the right fit and can be worn in any fingers regardless of the size.The thumb ring has now resurged out, and rings are now moving up the finger and hitting the middle.These rings are also worn around the fingertips like Beyonce in her 'Run The World' video. Lucky for us ladies fashion and jewelry stores have taken notice and are ready to give us our go to accessory at very affordable prices. I actually got myself my first midi rings a while ago i saw Riri donning them n thought they were kinda cute.

 I got a set of them at a very affordable price in dubois street Nairobi.Got rings for each of my fingers and three for my middle finger and they all came out real cute, hot and sexy.The key to wearing this look is stack thin delicate rings that are dainty enough and making sure the ring is small enough to fit your midis.

Choose fun shapes and cute colors too to double up nicely with other rings you have got going on. Stacking Midi Rings There's no wrong way to stack your rings.Stick to one motif is an epic way to do it but still mixing metals, stones and jewelry with reckless abandon can look just as cool as a rockstar. Your look will feel more balanced and be more comfortable if you wear smaller rings on top and heavy statement rings in the bottom but beyond that is really a matter of personal taste and this will all be about creating your own look.

Midi rings come in many varieties, shapes, colours,styles and sizes. Its all about midi rings. Can be worn by all ladies of all ages n sizes regardless of your finger size, regardless of your body too or clothes. Yall need to get them.The kinds of midi rings you can get are double stack midis, wrap rings, knuckle rings, buckle rings,arrow, cuff rings and many more.

 This is a go to accessory for any lady who always wants to look fashionable and elegant.. Below are photos of how to rock midi-rings

Matte Lipstick; Lip trend every lady needs to try

Forget single colours and textures - 2017 is all about experimenting with layering. That includes cool new topcoats that add depth and definition to your chosen colour. They may look a little intimidating, but these options from Chanel, Lipstick Queen and other lipsticks are great at adding that extra edge to your look.

Be it corals, reds, or something a little bolder, bright lips are having something of a moment with the A-list. So follow their lead and dare to go a shade bolder... i will talk about matte lipsticks, this lip trend is here to stay, they come in crayon matte and liquid matte lipstick. Matte lipstick come in different shades and colours , which are hundreds of them.

If you want a statement lip in a bold hue, matte is the perfect option. Its velvety finish makes color look extra-saturated and intense. And since matte lipstick makes for a focal point on the face, you don't need much else in the way of makeup. Let your statement lip do all the talking.

5 Diet secrets for a flat belly

1. Eat fibre rich foods:

 Not having enough fiber in your diet can cause bloating and make your stomach look bigger. So a good way is to ensure you include both soluble and insoluble fibres into your meals. Foods like orange, mushrooms, raspberries, broccoli and cabbage are all great sources if healthy fibre.

2. Have foods which are potassium-rich:

 As sodium makes body retain water, potassium helps it to get rid of excess water. Eating potassium-rich foods like bananas and sweet potatoes can help minimise your bulging belly. But make sure to exercise right as these foods can be fattening too.

3. Stay hydrated: 

 Drinking enough water ensures that fibre does its job. Not drinking enough water can also increase your sodium and potassium levels.

4.Avoid sugary and processed foods:

 Stay away from foods that are difficult to digest like sugary or fatty foods. Focus instead on simple meals which are made with whole foods and steamed vegetables to heal the digestive system. Here are some foods that are difficult to digest.

5. Ditch artificial sweeteners:

 Found in flavoured water, diet, low-carbs and sugar-free foods, artificial sweeteners aren’t completely digested by body. Bacteria in the large intestine tend to ferment them, causing gas and bloating. Always check food labels to avoid sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and lacitol. Here are some more facts about artificial sweetners.


We all have this problem of a protruding tummy even if we are slim otherwise. It has to do with the way we eat and our lack of exercise. Most people think they need to join expensive gyms and do 100 crunches everyday to get those celeb-like flat abs.
 But the truth is it is just about eating the right food, doing some belly-busting yoga poses and trying these simple exercises..

1. Lift and Twist Crunch

lift and twist crunch
 This is a Pilates exercise and is excellent for trimming the waist and toning the tummy.
Lie on your back on a yoga mat. Bring the hands behind the back of the neck, lift and twist the upper body to one side and bring your elbow towards the opposite knee. Inhale, lower back down. Exhale, lift and twist towards the other side, inhale return to starting position.
Keep this movement going and you can start to speed it up a little bit once you get comfortable with the exercise. Then, start to extend one leg out as you go. Keep pulling the lower tummy muscles up and breathe deeply. To advance it further, you can start to tap the heel of the extended leg on to the floor. This will work the lower tummy muscles even more therefore giving support and strength to the lower back. Aim for doing it for 30 seconds in one go.

 2.The Plank


  Lie down on your tummy and then come on your palms and toes. Lift the knees off the floor. Draw your tummy muscles up and breathe deeply into the side and back of the rib cage. Aim to hold the pose for 30 seconds.

3. The Hundred Exercise

the hundred
 This classic Pilates exercise defines the tummy muscles and promotes a strong and healthy back. Bring the legs in to a table top position, hip-width apart. Lift the arms up off the floor and lift the head, neck and chest upwards, being careful not to strain the neck but taking the strain to the tummy. Start to pulse the arms up and down. If you would like to advance the pose, extend the legs up towards the sky. Keep the tummy muscles taught and aim to continue for 50 seconds. 

 4. Static Tiger

static tiger
Pose Place your hands and knees on the floor. This is the starting position. Now lift up one leg and extend the opposite arm. Hold this Static Tiger Pose for 3 deep breaths. Come back to the starting position and swap sides, extending arm and opposite leg. You can look down towards the mat to keep the spine in line. This exercise will build core strength.

 5. Sitting Spinal Twist


 Sit on the floor and cross your legs. Place one hand next to your hip and the other on the knee. Rotate the spine and look over one shoulder into a Sitting Spinal Twist. Inhale. Exhale back to centre. Swap sides, rotating and looking over the shoulder. Inhale. Exhale back to centre. This pose will trim and define the waist.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Miss Universe 2017 contestant beauties

From swimsuits to evening gowns and everything in between, here are some must-see moments from the 65th Miss Universe competition preliminaries.

The show airs live from the Philippines at 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017, on Fox. with contestants from over 85 countries vying for the title and crown which will change the course of their life forever.

 Three days of preliminary interviews and a swimsuit and evening gown presentation show (streamed live prior to broadcast) help select the semi-finalists who will be named during the final night event .

Below are top photos of the stunning ladies contesting for the Miss Universe title;